Onsite Nuclear Outage Support
ComtronICS is the leading expert for providing wireless system solutions for the unique communication needs of nuclear power plants.
Our extensive experience in all aspects of nuclear procedure includes outages, operations, security and emergency preparedness. We supply both manpower and communication equipment plus product support.
Introducing our NEWEST PRODUCT, the Cobalt Audio Video Nuclear Video Work Station
This innovative concept was developed in response to communication needs encountered during nuclear plant outages, central monitoring, and work control coordination to give participants point-to-point or point-to-multipoint conversation and viewing ability over an internal network. Each Nuclear Video Work Station is custom configured for your facility and situation.
The Work Station employs a state-of-the-art 1080P full-HD video conferencing endpoint. It fills an important communication niche for both nuclear and other industrial applications. Designed with with ease of use in mind, using superior quality components, the Work Station is a reliable and cost efficient tool for a variety of task coordination and monitoring needs.
Read more about the Nuclear Video Work Station.
Interested in how the Cobalt Audio Video Nuclear Video Work Station can upgrade your facility and streamline your work flow? Contact David Fried for more details.
ComtronICS offers the largest variety of wireless headsets and headset communication systems available designed for the special requirements of the nuclear industry.
We carry headsets of every style, type, connector, both wired and wireless, including hard hat models. Our signature blue Cobalt AV headsets will connect to your Telex or HME wireless intercoms. We offer Peltor, Telex and Clearcom brand headsets, in addition to building headsets for Motorola and other brands of two-way radios.
Your headsets need devices to connect to, so we also offer a full range of system components.
Our quality components come from such trusted companies as Bosch RTX, Telex, HME Clearcom, Tempest, Vocera, Motorola, Vertex Standard, and our proprietary TaskCom1 Reconfigurable Wired Headset Intercom. We also provide turnkey configured value-priced network megapixel camera systems for all applications.
Our newest product: the ProCom X12 System
Our newest product addition, the ProCom X12 Wireless Belt Pack Headset Intercom, is a full duplex next generation system which supports an unlimited number of users who can communicate at any time without the need for a base station.
Rely on ComtronICS for onsite technical support services.
For over 40 years, ComtronICS has provided onsite support and products to many nuclear power plants. Our technical personnel have extensive training and experience as rad workers. We supply complete on-site setup and support of wireless belt packs/headset systems and two-way radios. We specify and install IP distributed communication systems to allow communication between the refuel floor, the office, and the control room. We also provide IP PTZ cameras with video monitoring/recording capabilities for project oversight and review.
How can we help with your next outage? For information on our nuclear products and services, contact David Fried.
TF: 1.800.264.6021 PH: 859.299.9494 x1